Monday, February 2, 2009

give it a try :)

this is supposed to be one of the "questions asked during interviews".. try answering it..

a cricket match is going on. the team batting second needs 7 runs to win. both the batsmen who are batting are in 94*. both hit centuries and remain unbeaten. how is this possible ???

by the way, this is a pakka logical question.. ;)


  1. hi... my id send me ur mobile no...

  2. is this supposed to be a comment ???

  3. batsman no 1 :: just strokes behind the keeper and runs for a single but fortunately for him it hits the helmet(of the keeper==>5 runs) so he gets 1+5 runs..... That gives him his century and he is also off the strike....!
    the next ball as expected the next batsman(batsman no 2) hits six (LIKE THE WAY MADDY DOES IT IN "PRIYAMANA THOZHI") and reaches his century.....!
    Thus both the batsman have reached their hundreds and the game which needed only 7 runs off 3 balls is also won....!
    (pretty big essay??? :D)

  4. er... there's another answer too !!! :)

  5. the first ball is hit for a four. 1st batsmen on 98. 3 runs to win. second ball he strikes and run 3 runs.. but 1 run is short.
    so only two runs are counted and sides are changed
    . now the first batsmen has a century
    On the last ball the second batsmen hits a six and reaches 100 and also winning the game
    now both players get a century for last 3 balls from same over.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. if he runs 3 runs and 1 run s short means only one run s counted not 2 runs..... i think mad guy knows it....:-) so answer s wrong....

  8. no only one run is counted if 3 runs s ran and 1 run s short.... ask mad guy...

  9. its a cricket rule.... if 2 runs r ran and 1 run s short means no run s counted....

  10. oh... din't know that... hmmm...

  11. hello young guys..dont break your guy hits a six and in the next over, the other guy hits a simple..the question does not say how many balls remain..

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. hey meera..

    even this is posible...

    batsman1 hits a four in the first ball..

    in the 2nd ball he completes 2 runs and while trying to run the 3rd batsman1 gets out ..

    now batsman1 has completed his 100 and got out.. batsman2 will be on strike...

    he hits a 6 to complete his 100..
